Ellis' Cap

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Revision as of 19:20, 6 October 2010 by En Ex (talk | contribs)
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Kill all sons of bitches, that's my official instructions.

Ellis' Cap is a new unlockable headwear item. It's a reference to the hat worn by Ellis, a character from Valve's zombie shooter franchise, Left 4 Dead 2. It, along with the Frying Pan, was awarded to anyone who bought Left 4 Dead 2 before Thursday, October 7th or anyone who already owned Left 4 Dead 2.


  • This is the second Left 4 Dead related hat in Team Fortress 2 that is available for all classes, the first being Bill's Hat.
  • According to The Sacrifice's update page, there was a skeleton on the bottom left of the screen is seen wearing the Ellis Cap. The Sacrifice's Update Page

External links

The Sacrifice: TF2 Items