Template:Hat infobox
The Scotsman's Stove Pipe is an unlockable headwear item for the Demoman. It appears as a simple, yet elegant black top hat.
Painted variants
Mouseover cells to preview the images on a dark background. Click on the images to enlarge them.
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge
Color No. 216-190-216
Peculiarly Drab Tincture
Aged Moustache Grey
A Distinctive Lack of Hue
After Eight
Radigan Conagher Brown
Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Mann Co. Orange
Australium Gold
The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Dark Salmon Injustice
Pink as Hell
A Deep Commitment to Purple
Noble Hatter's Violet
A Color Similar to Slate
Zepheniah's Greed
Drably Olive
Indubitably Green
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime
A Mann's Mint
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED)
Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU)
Balaclavas Are Forever (RED)
Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Team Spirit (RED)
Team Spirit (BLU)
Operator's Overalls (RED)
Operator's Overalls (BLU)
The Value of Teamwork (RED)
The Value of Teamwork (BLU)
An Air of Debonair (RED)
An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Cream Spirit (RED)
Cream Spirit (BLU)
- Silk and felted beaver fur (the preferred materials for making top hats) were expensive commodities, and generally reserved for the rich and well-to-do.
- Stove pipe hats referred to top hats with straight sides. The Demoman's top hat appears to have curved sides, making it more akin to the 'Chimney pot' style.
- If painted green,it is similar to top hats that reference ireland
Demoman |
| Weapons |
Primary | | | Secondary | | | Melee |
Bottle ( Frying Pan, Saxxy, Scottish Handshake, Conscientious Objector, Freedom Staff, Bat Outta Hell, Memory Maker, Ham Shank, Golden Frying Pan, Necro Smasher, Crossing Guard, Prinny Machete) · Eyelander ( Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, Nessie's Nine Iron) · Pain Train · Scotsman's Skullcutter · Ullapool Caber · Claidheamh Mòr · Half-Zatoichi · Persian Persuader | | | |
| | Abilities | | | Cosmetics | | | Item sets | | | Special taunts | | | Achievements | | | Character | | | Strategy | | | Other | |