Voodoo Juju
Revision as of 19:31, 29 October 2010 by Balladofwindfishes (talk | contribs) (→Trivia: I have no idea what that sentence was trying to say)
“ | Don't fret, boyo. I'll be gentle!
Click to listen
— The Demoman
” |
The Voodoo Juju is a headwear item available to all classes. It can be purchased from the Mann Co. Store only during the Scream Fortress event, running between the 27th of October and the 8th of November 2010. It also has a 1 in 2 chance of being crafted if an Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap is used alongside 4 Refined Metal.
- This is one of two hats with exclusive ties to the Scream Fortress event, relying on a special item that only drops during the event, or a store purchase, if a player wishes to own one.
- Like several other Halloween hats, the Voodoo Juju does not have a randomly selected level when crafted or purchased. It's level is always 31, presumably because Halloween is on the 31st of October.
- According to Valve, this hat was modelled by the same man that made Gollum's face in the Lord of the Rings films.
- Regardless of what method you use to obtain the hat, it cannot be traded after being placed in the Backpack; all store-purchased wearables are automatically not tradable or craftable, and if you opt to craft the hat using the Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap, it follows the normal rules of crafting by applying the Haunted Metal's 'not tradable' tag to the finished item, however, if you craft it with an unusual metal that has been Gift Wrapped, then it will become tradeable.
- This hat is likely inspired by Dr Facilier's Hat, and which is more interesting that he practices Voodoo in the movie The Princes and the Frog
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