Horrific Headsplitter

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Revision as of 22:16, 17 November 2010 by Scatmanjohn (talk | contribs) (Undo edit by Spacewolf (Talk) (199757)it is purchasable still)
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Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!
The Scout

The Horrific Headsplitter is a headwear item for all classes which was released with the 2010 Scream Fortress update. It appears as a cleaver embedded in the character's skull with blood pouring from the wound.


  • Like several other Halloween hats, the Horrific Headsplitter does not have a randomly selected level when crafted or purchased. Its level is always 31, presumably because Halloween is on the 31st of October.
  • This hat's development name was "The Murder's Marking".
  • This hat is a reference to stereotypical Halloween headgear, such as a fake arrow through the head, and in this case, a (supposedly) fake meat cleaver through the head with (supposedly) fake blood.
  • When the item was submitted, the hole in the cleaver was open. Why Valve changed this is unknown; its creator, Treythepunkid, has said that he will release "a fix for that in the near future."

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