Googly Gazer

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Revision as of 01:18, 8 April 2011 by Teh steve (talk | contribs) (Trivia)
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That catch your eye, son?
The Engineer

The Googly Gazer is a miscellaneous item for the Engineer. It appears as a mechanical eye with the Mann Co. logo on the side.

Update history

April 7, 2011 Patch

  • [Undocumented] This item was added to the game.


  • In the future, owners of this item will be able to select between the version in the game now, and a robotic version submitted by the creator recently.
  • This eye (and its description) are a reference to Alastor Moody's from the Harry Potter book series. After losing his eye, Alastor had a replacement magical one placed in the socket and held by a leather thong. It is alluded to during the book series that the eye could see through surfaces, including the back of Moody's head and possibly even the invisibility cloak. Please note, this item won't allow you to see through a Spy's cloak.