Crocleather Slouch

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Revision as of 05:33, 6 May 2011 by Maggosh (talk | contribs) (Update history)
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The last glance into the world your enemies get is usually you broadly smiling and waving, but what if I told you we could offer you more? With this hat the last thing your enemies will see is a man broadly smiling, waving and sporting a fine cream hat, surrounded by a broad patch of the finest crocodile leather. Doesn't that just sound much better?
— Fancy vs. Nasty description

The Crocleather Slouch is a community-created headwear item for the Sniper. It is a light tan slouch hat with a ring of crocodile leather.

This hat was originally created for the Fancy vs. Nasty Update and was made official as of the Replay Update.

Update history

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • This item was added to the game.