Towering Pillar of Hats
“ | Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure
” |
The Towering Pillar of Hats is an unlockable headwear item available to all classes. It appears as stack of 3 hats: A grey bowler, similar to the Spy's Backbiter's Billycock, a black tophat, similar to the Demoman's Scotsman's Stove Pipe and a boater with a black ribbon, very vaguely similar to the Sniper's Professional's Panama.
- Due to the fact that both the Rebuild headgear and Fabricate headgear blueprints which can craft this hat yield random results, there is no determined and guaranteed way to craft the Towering Pillar of Hats. Additionally this makes the Modest Pile of Hat, the Noble Amassment of Hats and the Towering Pillar of Hats slightly rarer in value than the normal class specific hats.
- This hat is likely a reference to the hidden Gentle Manne of Leisure page on the Classless Update.
- John "Tower of Hats" Booth, the assassin of president Abraham Lincoln, did not wear a tower of hats similar to this. He wore more hats in a dome or pile fashion.
- 'J.Axer's Dapper Topper', the item obtained from coming first in the Propaganda Contest, has an orange ribbon with the number '1' pinned to the tophat.
File:Backpack Contest hat first.png
Backpack image of Propaganda Contest first prize
- The hat description was written by Valve, but was also submitted (with an attribution [1]) as an entry during the Hat Describing Contest.
- This hat is considered VERY rare, and many people long to obtain it.