Revision as of 00:59, 13 October 2013 by RhubarbAssassin (talk | contribs)
“ | Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie.
Click to listen
— The Soldier turning down a game
” |
The Grandmaster is a promotional headwear item for all classes. It is a team-colored hard hat, with a small chess board attached by a rubber spring and two strips of rubber, which bounce around as the player moves. On top of the chess board, a small device projects a small red bomb hologram on the RED team, and a blue wrench hologram on the BLU team, both of which rotate.
Update history
- The Grandmaster was added to the game.
- The hat is believed to be activated via promo code included in an unreleased TF2 chess game.
- The item's description refers to a pair of chess matches in 1996 and 1997 between Garry Kasparov, a former World Chess Champion and considered by some as the best of all time, and Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer developed by IBM with the intent of beating a human world champion.