Napper's Respite
Revision as of 14:13, 3 November 2010 by Abused Rib (talk | contribs) (the Rapper's Delight pun is very obvious and should remain on the wiki. left the bed-wearing part as well as another remark)
“ | Eeuaghafvada...
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— The Pyro on feeling groggy during work
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The Napper's Respite is a community-created headwear item for the Pyro that was released in the Mann-Conomy update. It appears as a stereotypical "nap cap," with team colored stripes and a jiggle-boned fuzzy ball on top.
Painted variants
Main article: Paint Can
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- The name of the hat is a play on the 1979 single "Rapper's Delight" by the American hip-hop trio The Sugarhill Gang and is also a reference to this type of hat often being worn to bed.
- The hat partially obscures the top of the Pyro's eye holes, giving the impression of drooping eyelids.
- The paint system for the hat has changed twice since its introduction. Originally, the orange/yellow stripes were painted and the team-coloured stripes were kept. This was changed to painting over the team-coloured stripes and leaving the orange/yellow ones in the October 6, 2010 Patch, while the change was undone in the October 27, 2010 Patch.