Whiskered Gentleman

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Revision as of 13:55, 21 November 2010 by Blade8745 (talk | contribs) (Notes)
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Mmmphya harrgh mrgha hrghgph.
The Pyro(?)

The Whiskered Gentleman is a community-created Miscellaneous item for the Pyro and was chosen by Valve to be released with the second wave of community-contributed content, due to its outstanding quality. It appears as a monocle, mustache, and goatee that the Pyro has taped onto their mask.

The item description was written by JJ10DMAN.


  • The Whiskered Gentleman was originally a hat on release. Its item slot was changed to Miscellaneous the next day to suit combinations with hats.
  • The Whiskered Gentleman is the only hat with a jingle sound when picked up. The jingle sound is the same one for the key. The Stainless pot, Texas Slim's Dome Shine, and Ze Goggles are the only hats with special sounds that no other hat has.