Foster's Facade

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Revision as of 02:34, 14 December 2010 by UltimateTerabyte (talk | contribs) (Undo edit by McWang (Talk) (254849))
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Mr Foster on Pyro Tactics

Foster's Facade is a promotional item for the Pyro available to players who own both Team Fortress 2 and Template:W for Killing Floor 's Twisted Christmas Event. It is the gasmask of Mr. Foster, a character from the game Killing Floor. It will be obtainable for players who already own Killing Floor or purchase the game between December 14, 2010 till January 4, 2011.[1]

  • The items will be vintage for users who purchased killing floor before the Mann-Conomy update. For all others it will be non-vintage.



  • The gas mask is a Russian Template:W model used in 1970 - 1989. The words "MADE IN RUSSIA" can be seen on the filter.

See Also
