Connoisseur's Cap

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Revision as of 23:20, 10 May 2011 by Piemanmoo (talk | contribs)
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Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.
The Pyro on cooking well-done.

The Connoisseur's Cap is a headwear item for the Pyro. It is a chef's Template:W.

Update history

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • The Connoisseur's Cap was added to the game.


  • A Template:W is a French word for a person who has a great deal of knowledge about the Template:W. It is commonly used to refer to a professional Template:W.
  • The description refers to the popular cooking contest Template:W, namely its gimmick of a "secret ingredient" that the chefs must incorporate into their dishes.