Conjurer's Cowl

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Revision as of 01:14, 1 June 2011 by Moussekateer (talk | contribs) (incorrect)
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Bloody hell, those ones were me favourites!
The Demoman on the quality of his spells

The Conjurer's Cowl is a promotional headwear item for the Demoman. It is a jiggleboned hood that covers most of the Demoman's head and trails behind him.

This hat was distributed with Genuine quality to players who bought the Magicka: Nippon DLC before June 5, 2011.

Update history

May 31, 2011 Patch

  • This item was added to the game.


  • A cowl is a medieval item of clothing that consisted of a hood and a shoulder cape. It was worn by monks in the Middle Ages.
  • The description is a reference to the phrase “I put on my robe and wizard hat”, originated from an IRC chat by a user named bloodninja which became popular on the internet [1]
