Sight for Sore Eyes

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What are you lookin at?!
The Scout to the Pyro

The Sight for Sore Eyes is a community-created miscellaneous item for the Pyro. It is a pair of loose Template:W that fit in the lens sockets of the Pyro's mask.

Update history

April 7, 2011 Patch

  • The Sight for Sore Eyes was added to the game.


  • The Sight for Sore Eyes is hidden when equipped with the Foster's Facade with most DirectX 9 setups. When playing the game in DirectX 8, the Sight for Sore Eyes shows up properly on the Foster's Facade.
  • The black pupils of the eyes may clip out of the Pyro's head on rare occasions.
  • When disguised as a Pyro with this item equipped, the pupils will remain fixed in one position.


  • Vellicating is the act of lightly touching a body part so as to cause the underlying nerves to twitch. Template:W is the clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina of the eyeball.