Cadaver's Cranium

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Revision as of 23:54, 19 December 2010 by CWalkthroughs (talk | contribs) (Trivia)
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I liiiiive!
The Heavy

The Cadaver's Cranium is a headwear item for the Heavy, and was released as part of the 2010 Scream Fortress update. It gives the Heavy a 'Template:W'-type appearance.


  • When a Heavy wearing the Cadaver's Cranium is ÜberCharged, the Cadaver's Cranium will appear darker in skin-like areas causing a noticeable difference between the hat and the Heavy's actual skin. As depicted here.


  • The developmental name for this hat was "Frank's Hat" [1] before Valve renamed it and added it to the Halloween Update.
  • Like several other Halloween hats, the Cadaver's Cranium does not have a randomly selected level when found or purchased. Its level is always 31, presumably because Halloween is on the 31st of October.
  • During development, the hat included two bolts on either side of the Heavy's neck, similar to those seen in some depictions of Frankenstein's Monster. The final version does not include these.

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