Copper's Hard Top

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Revision as of 13:12, 6 April 2019 by ThatHatGuy (talk | contribs) (all styles show in team colors)
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The Copper's Hard Top is a community-created cosmetic item for the Heavy. It is a white Police motorcycle helmet with a white chinstrap and team-colored padding.

This cosmetic item has two styles. The second style, titled "Lawless" colors the padding grey and removes the "Police" text from the back of the helmet.


Main article: Styles
RED Copper's Hard Top.png
Copper's Hard Top Lawless.png
Peacekeeper Lawless

Update history

July 1, 2011 Patch (Summer Camp Sale)

  • Added the Copper's Hard Top to the game.

July 12, 2011 [Item schema update]

  • The Copper's Hard Top can now be used in crafting.

July 18, 2011 Patch

  • The Copper's Hard Top can now be crafted.

September 4, 2012 Patch

  • Added new styles to the Copper's Hard Top.

Unused content

  • The Lawless style is set up for paint, but the ability to use paint is not turned on (the other style is not set up for paint).


  • The Security Shades and the Copper's Hard Top were created and submitted alongside one another.[1] They were intended to be a single item but were separated into two by Valve.[2]
    • In result of this, the Security Shades model uses the same texture from the Copper's Hard Top, using the Peacekeeper style texture, differing the color of the shades on each team. A third unused skin for Security Shades matches the color from the Lawless texture.
  • Originally, the hat had the word "Poolice", a combination of the words "police" and "pootis", on the back.[3]. It was also submitted with three other styles[4], one of which had the word "Милиция" on it, the naming of police in post-Soviet countries.
