Cadaver's Cranium

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Revision as of 23:28, 12 February 2011 by Maggosh (talk | contribs) (Bugs)
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I liiiiive!
The Heavy

The Cadaver's Cranium is a headwear item for the Heavy. It gives the Heavy a 'Template:W'-type appearance.


  • When a Heavy wearing the Cadaver's Cranium is ÜberCharged, it will appear darker in areas causing a noticeable difference between the hat and the Heavy's actual skin, as depicted here.


  • The developmental name for this hat was "Frank's Hat" [1] before Valve renamed it and added it to the Halloween Update.
  • Like several other Halloween hats, the Cadaver's Cranium does not have a randomly selected level when found or purchased. Its level is always 31, presumably because Halloween is on the 31st of October.
  • During development, the hat included two bolts on either side of the Heavy's neck, similar to those seen in some depictions of Frankenstein's Monster.

External links
