Wanderer's Wool

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Revision as of 02:37, 8 December 2023 by BrazilianNut (talk | contribs)
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Are you Happy, MAGGOT ?!
Wanderer's Wool publicity blurb

The Wanderer's Wool is a community-created cosmetic item for the Soldier.

This item has six styles, named "Merry..?", "Merry..? - Bloodless", "Backcountry", "Backcountry - Bloodless", "Streets", and "Streets - Bloodless".

The Wanderer's Wool was contributed to the Steam Workshop.


Main article: Styles
RED Wanderer's Wool.png
RED Wanderer's Wool Merry..? - Bloodless.png
RED Wanderer's Wool Backcountry.png
RED Wanderer's Wool Backcountry - Bloodless.png
Painted Wanderer's Wool UNPAINTED Streets.png
Painted Wanderer's Wool UNPAINTED Streets - Bloodless.png
Merry..? Merry..? - Bloodless Backcountry Backcountry - Bloodless Streets Streets - Bloodless

Update history

December 7, 2023 Patch (Smissmas 2023)

  • The Wanderer's Wool was added to the game.
